Monthly Archives: February 2018

Velo Pizzeria in Napa, CA– Sorry, Just Not My Kind of Pizza

The Pizza Snob and his posse went on a Napa walk-about after finishing at our destination pizza stop,  the superfine Neapolitan pizza-maker Azzurro Pizzeria e Enoteca. Working our way around an unfamiliar downtown, you could not help but notice the poles of small signs pointing you to local establishments. The placard for Velo Pizzeria kept […]

Azzurro Pizzeria e Enoteca—Some Killer Crust in Napa

Visiting the Cali-transplanted side of the family for Thanksgiving, we took a drive north from the Bay Area to the city of Napa. The Pizza Snob’s first and perhaps only-ever visit to the wine country would of course have to include pizza. Fortunately, this turned out to be an easy outing to convince the group […]