Category England

Sandy’s Too Pizza — A Splendid Slice in London

The Pizza Snob calls it “accidental pizza.” It occurs when I’m walking down the street and happen upon an unfamiliar pizza joint and boldly give it a try. I always feel like the odds are likely against a win since immodestly, the snob in me should already know a place that is any good. But, […]

Pizza Pilgrims — A Fab London Pizza Chain

When I first visited London in 1989, it was a well-accepted fact that the food there was for the most part downright awful. This was especially true the quicker and more casual you were looking to dine. But things have sure changed for the better. During my recent visits, I have even noticed a surge […]

Paradise Slice Pizza Shop — A Touch of New York in London Town

There are some who think that I punish myself by looking for a great New York slice of pizza outside of New York City. Yes, I agree that NYC is where the mostest of the bestest can be found. However, in this space I have documented some fab slices elsewhere in the USA. Most come […]

Camden Pizza Co.— Great Pizza at London’s Camden Market

The last few times I have been in London, I’ve made a Saturday morning visit to the sprawling and splendid Portobello Road Market. Looking to do something different this year, a local mate suggested I try instead the somewhat similar Camden Market in lively Camden Town. So, I did just that and thoroughly enjoyed my […]

Pizza Union in London—Fast & Fantastic Pizza!

Arriving early for a fancy dinner meeting, I took a stroll about the London area near its business district known as Spitalfields. On my walkabout, I spotted a modern-looking retail space at the bottom of an office building that caught my attention with the name Pizza Union. It was an attractive place with spacious outdoor […]

Slice and More – Pizza in My London Neighborhood

Becoming a creature of habit leads me to things like staying in the same flat whenever I travel to London. For several years now, I’ve been staying just off Old Street in the area known as Shoreditch. It’s a convenient lively area that has come to feel like my London home away from home. One […]

Homeslice Neal’s Yard—Fantastic London Pizza and Location

Those of you who have travelled to London from the Colonies probably know this drill. You fly through the night across several time zones, and when you arrive, your body is still at midnight while nature and the airline try to trick you into thinking it’s morning. You fall for this game, but next must […]

Pizza East – London Hot Spot Serves a Sublime Neapolitan

The Pizza Snob is blessed to have fabulous friends to help support his pizza passion. Witness my recent business trip to London where my associates even went so far as to schedule an important dinner meeting at a pizza joint! I did however suggest moving us to an Indian restaurant that my American boss would […]

London’s Best American Pizza – Not at This Place

Thanks to my real job, I made my third trip to London in the last four years. While I absolutely adore the place, eating British-made pizza isn’t high on my list of things to do when I visit. However, the temptation is hard to resist, especially when I walk by a place named Best American […]

London, England’s Ecco Pizza—An Exquisitely Excellent Italian Pizza

In what has hopefully become an annual biz trip, the Pizza Snob got to travel once again to England, his second favorite country. While I certainly did not anticipate matching last year’s home run at London’s Mulberry Street, I was also quite skeptical about whether I’d even find another pizza place worth trying. That was until […]